Joji and Rich Brian Get an Omelette Master Class from a French Chef | Feast Mansion

2018-10-04 1

Joji and Rich Brian are on a mission to make omurice, a Japanese classic that's been dominating their Instagram feeds. But first they need to learn how to make the perfect omelette. To help them realize their egg-filled dreams, the guys are teaming up with Ludo Lefebvre: the celebrated French chef and omelette master behind L.A.'s Trois Mec and Petit Trois. After getting the omelette dos and dont's from Chef Ludo—No sizzling! No coloration!—Brian and Joji join forces to build their omurice. Will Brian leave 88rising for a lucrative career as Ludo's sous chef? Will Joji's ketchup fried rice cause Ludo to burst a blood vessel? Find out on an all new episode of Feast Mansion.

Catch Joji and Rich Brian on the 88 Degrees and Rising Tour this fall:

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